// Program illustrating the "Address-Of" operator // #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int i = 5; float x = 3.14F, y = 0.577F; double z = 2.71828; cout << "The value of i is " << i << "\n"; cout << "The address of i is " << &i << "\n\n"; cout << "The value of x is " << x << "\n"; cout << "The address of x is " << &x << "\n"; cout << "The value of y is " << y << "\n"; cout << "The address of y is " << &y << "\n\n"; cout << "The value of z is " << z << "\n"; cout << "The address of z is " << &z << "\n\n"; cout << "\n\n"; system( "PAUSE" ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }