Section 2.2 - Vectors in three dimensions

Section Objectives

  1. Distinguish 3-dimensional space from 2-dimensional space.
  2. Work with the rectangular coordinate system in 3-space.
  3. Perform and describe basic operations on vectors in 3-space.
  4. Compute the magnitude of a vector in 3-space.


To move beyond 2-space into 3-dimensional space, we introduce the -axis into our standard rectangular coordinate system. The -, -, and -axes are mutually perpendicular, sharing the common point at the origin. Points in space are identified with three ordered triplets, .

Illustration of the 3D rectangular coordinate system

The arrangement of the axes satisfies the right-hand rule: with your right hand, point your fingers in the direction of the positive -s, curl your fingers toward the positive -axis, and your thumb will point in the direction of the positive -axis. However you envision (or sketch) your axes, make sure they follow the right-hand rule!


Vectors in space

Except for concepts involving slope and and the -axis angle (), vectors in 2-space generalize nicely to vectors in 3-space. Vectors in 3-space have three components, and the basis vectors are now

As before, the basis vectors are the unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate axes.


Parallel vectors

Vectors are parallel if they have the same or opposite directions. It is perhaps easiest to think about this idea in terms of scalar multiplication: Two vectors are parallel if and only if one is a scalar multiple of the other. That is